Video in the classroom is powerful, because it has the ability to make the classroom come alive, and make meaningful learning experiences and connections. Video allows you to deliver long-lasting images, and reach children with various learning styles. But how do you make sure you’re keeping things fresh? Here are a few ways you can incorporate video projects in your classroom—on a daily basis. 1) Flip your classroom—but for real Flipped classrooms allows for a student to never again miss a lesson. Essentially, that style of teaching allows you to break down your classroom walls, and expand learning outside of the classroom. With a recorded lesson, students can watch an uninterrupted lesson as many times as they need to at their own pace. Students don't have to stop at just watching your lessons—they can view information from other teachers and experts to gain new perspectives. What Equipment Do You Need to Produce Videos? At The Minimum: A recording device (webcam, ...