Digital Citizenship Week is October 18-24th. Digital Citizenship Week is all about teaching kids how to think critically, be safe, and make smart and responsible decisions when using digital media. Find out what Digital Citizenship is from Digizen and how you can help students become more responsible and proactive user of online technologies. Many other organizations like Digizen have made it easy for teachers, and parents to teach these concepts to students in very practical ways.

Below is a list of lessons, and the recommended flow for delivery. Lessons are designed to fit within 50 minute classes, but can be adapted to fit your schedule. Or you can download the Full Teacher's Guide or the Full Set of Slides in PDF.

Take a look at these specialized lessons for students.
Do the Right Thing - Tip Sheet,
Behaving Ethically Online: Ethics and Empathy,
Raising Ethical Kids For a Networked World,
Co-Co's AdverSmarts: An Interactive Unit on Food Marketing on the Web
Cable Impacts brings you InCtrl, a series of free standards-based lessons, originally developed by Cable in the Classroom, that teach key digital citizenship concepts. These lessons, for students in grades 4-8, are designed to engage students through inquiry-based activities, and collaborative and creative opportunities. Teachers can browse lessons by topic, and grade-level.
The Teaching Channel has created a Digital Citizens playlist of four videos that teach students about their Digital Trail , being a Super Digital Citizen, and Email Etiquette.
NetSmartz offers free, multimedia Internet safety presentations tailored for specific audiences – parents and communities, tweens, teens, and younger children. Download any of these to share with your community, or watch the presentation for parents and communities online now.
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