Old Bonhomme's 1st annual Science and Innovation Night was Friday, April 6th. The focus was STEAM, and it included over 30 outside agencies, high school and elementary student showcases, food trucks, GooseChase scavenger hunt and the Science fair. Over 200 students & their families attended, and we gave away over 40 prizes from sponsor donations. What an amazing night!
At the registration table, families received a map, scavenger hunt info, and cool giveaways including stickers, pencils, bags, and buttons. Did I mention we had over 200 kids register? What a crowd!
The most exciting part for me was the student showcases.
Flyer and banner designed by Patricia Brown
Our event started with a Science Fair.
From 6pm-6:30, students had the opportunity to share their Science Fair projects in the library.
Check out this little scientist
Between 6:30-7:30pm we had student & agency showcases.
The most exciting part for me was the student showcases.
STEM is for Girls is an after school club designed to teach girls about coding. Students were selected from underrepresented groups in STEM. These girls met monthly throughout the year and learned about STEM.
Eagle Innovators weekly during lunch and recess, and once a month before school to learn about technology.
Students got cool photo souvenirs to take home
If you attended you might have experienced...
Touching a real brain
Playing some Greg Tang Math games
Touching mill worms
Building a paper airplane and making it glide
Estimating how many quarters tall the arch is
Watching a Challenger Planetarium show
and so much more! Check out more highlights
The GooseChase Scavenger Hunt was a huge hit.
Participants downloaded the GooseChase app on their phone, and played the customized digital scavenger hunt by visiting the different stations, and completing a task. We were lucky to have some great sponsors!
There were 21 missions in all. Check out a few of them below

There were 21 missions in all. Check out a few of them below

Lucky GooseChase Winners!
1st Place Bloxels
2nd Place Osmo Coding Game
3rd Place Stop Motion Camera
View the entire album here https://photos.app.goo.gl/ds2ZWI7mvef8DFfF2
Thank you to all of the volunteers, sponsors, students, and staff!
See you next year!
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